
October 26, 2011

100 Things: Part X

91. skinny jeans

92. chains & links

93. oatmeal

94. body butters

95. pancakes

96. big watches

97.  roses

98. unique rings

99. pizza

1oo. François ♥

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX

Pictures that are not mine are from wehartit


  1. Mmmm des crepes! Ca fait 3 semaines j'ai le gout d'en manger :P

  2. Pizza. J'en ai des cravings souvent. J'aime beaucoup trop ça.

    Moi aussi j'aime les bagues différentes. J'ai perdu ma préférée l'autre jour, elle est tombée sous la terrasse d'un resto, pas moyen d'aller la chercher. :-(

  3. Those rings are awesome :D I love these posts!

  4. Yeah I agree those rings are soo cool! I love unique things aswell.. I love knowing that nobody else I know is wearing them or has them! haha :-P

  5. Wow, I admire your dedication to the 100 things posts! I only got up to about the third one, lol :) xx

  6. I love skinny jeans and pancakes.
    What a strange combination.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  7. Love all these things as well:)

  8. I totally wish I had those unique angel wing rings too. I love any type of angel wing jewelry!

    Thank you so much for your comment! I will miss you! I will still read and comment of course though. For some reason your mail posts are always my favorites hahaha probably because I rarely get anything good! hehe.
    Good luck with everything in life! <3

  9. Aw the last picture is cute:)
    Pizza! And the pancakes look delicious! I also like the chains and links!

  10. Awww that's such a sweet picture of you and Francois :)
    Omigosh I love everything in this post too! I got my first angle wing type of ring and I really love it! I always catch myself choosing to wear that ring out of the many others that I have. And of course, I LOVE big watches. I'm not a fan of dainty thin watches on me....and I love skinny jeans. It's the only type of jeans I love wearing since it's the most flattering on me. I'm so short so flare and boot cut jeans always look a bit strange on me LOL

  11. Aww, this is kute!! I like everything just as you!!


  12. I always love seeing these posts from you. :]

  13. Gosh! U managed the 100 things!! I have just started blogging and would really appreciate ur thoughts xxx

  14. Aw, I love the photo you ended it with ♥
