
April 11, 2011

March in Pictures


  1. PETA lip balms!!! Are they any good?? I love Brie cheese yummss!!

  2. You always have the cutest stuff. I love the DuWop blush color - so pretty! And yum! Who can resist Nutella?


  3. omg , c'est pas juste tu as plein de sucrerie est tu es mince , les petites culottes sont cute c'est de quel magasin ?

  4. Cadbury Cream Eggs= LOVE
    You need to try the Cream Egg McFlurry from Mcdonald's. It's heaven :)

    Cute pics as always :)


  5. Humm les oeufs Cadbury !! :D

  6. How do you feel if I would to do a similar thing for April? I love these month in pictures posts! How are you liking that silk pillowcase by the way?

  7. @Carla : Yes they are good, althought they tend to melt quite easily, so I make sure to never forget one in my pocket or in the car x= Ah and Brie cheese is delicious! Lately, I've been spreading it on toasts and then I pop it in the microwave, yummy!

    @The Girlie Blog: I love the blush too, although it's a little messy to use as it tends to be a little chalky when you dip the brush in it, so it falls everywhere z=

    @beauty combat : Ahahah mais comment résister au Nutella? Et les panties sont de la Senza, je les ai acheté en ligne lors de leur vente 7 pour 25$ et shipping gratuit. Je crois qu'ils ont pas mal toutjours une vente de ce gnre, mais j'ai sauté dessus quand j'ai vu que le shipping était gratuit. Super bon deal!

    @Jessica : Oh yes, I have tried it and it's amazing, but it's pretty hard to find a McDonald who sells it around here, don't know why )=

    @Supergirl : Thanks! We look silly but we had a great time =D

    @Chloé: Oui, miam miam!

    @Tracy D : Feel free to do this on your blog if you want Tracy, I'd love to see it! And who doesn't like to see posts with beautiful pictures? =D As for the pillowcase, I want to wait a little longer before writing a review, but I'm loving it so far! My skin feels smoother and have far less eczema breakouts, and my hair is also in a better condition.

    @LOOK! FLYING MONKEYS! : Thanks hun!

  8. Non j"habite pas à Montréal sinon je serais aller c'est sur !!

  9. ho j'adore tes photos, et trop cute tes lip balm mouahaha^^

    Merci de ton commentaire, oui je vais essayer de FONCER et puis si au passage je pouvais en defoncer une... Nan je plaisante ! (enfin pas trop, surtout celle qui m'a insulté) Maiiiiiiiis sinon, voilà quoi, grr ca m'énerve plus maintenant que ca me blesse finalement. Mais je vais passer outre ! MERCI encore ma belle ♥


  10. those nail polishes look lovely!

    thanks for stopping by my blog, gaby!

    - dani

  11. YAY March in picture! :))) Ahah you've been playing just dance 2 with friends! looks like you guys had lots of fun! Oh and some of the pictures aren't loading on google chrome :( it's sad i can't see it all ! I'll try another browser ! Lovely pics :) Can't wait for Aprils in picture! YAY

  12. Those creme eggs look really tasty there. XD I am craving chocolate now!

  13. hehehe jaime la video ^^

    reply: merci, j'ai jamais pense de couper xD

  14. haha the first shirt is KILLER <3
    & yay for new underwear, always one of my fav things to shop for!


  15. I always enjoy your month in pictures posts.:D

    Mmmmmmm... chocolates and those nail polishes are pretty!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  16. Look at all those cute things! Love the cute underwear and brie!!!!! YAY for brie!!!


  17. L'image avec le pain et du Brie dessus ça tellement l'air bon! :D AHAH! Article que j'adore regardée encore une fois! :)

    & j'ai vue sur le blog de Miss Natty's Beauty Diary que t'avais gagnée les pinceaux de Sigma! C'est super! Je sais pas si tu les as déjà mais sinon, tu vas voir, ce sont les MEILLEURS! :)

  18. C'est fou comment les vernis Catrice ressemble au GOSH! ou peut-on se les procurer!
    Sans ça belles photos comme toujours :)
    Josy -xxx-

  19. @Vintage Makeup : Aren't they? ^^

    @Chloé : C'est ce que je me disais ahah!

    @Kallyane : Merci, tu es gentille! Oui, il faut foncer dans la vie, et garder la tête haute! Je crois qu'on passe tous par là. Bonne chance ma belle (=

    @dani@callitbeauty : They are gorgeous, but they chip quite fast )=

    @Anonymous : Just Dance 2 is definitely lots of fun, especially with friends! Yes Photobucket sucks, I don't know how long their maintenance will last -_-

    @Katherine : Too bad they are only available around Easter time )=

    @petitechouxx : Ça vaut vraiment la peine (=

    @For The Fierce : I love it, so unique! I'm glad I got some new panties, I was totally due for that LOL

    @Marie : Aww thanks, I'm glad you like them! I'll keep them coming (=

    @Christina : Bries is yummy. especially when microwaved (=

    @Alex-Fashion-Beauty : Je mange pas mal juste ça ces temps-ci ahah, je suis trop paresseuse pour me faire du tofu chaque soir... vive le végétarisme ahah! Je suis contente que tu aimes mes articles! Oui j'ai gagné le kit Make Me Up, je l'ai choisi en noir. Je suis tellement contente, j'ai reçu mon Travel Kit la semaine passée et j,aime bien les pinceaux, mais des pinceaux format normal, c'est toujours mieux (=

    @J.Brousseau : Oui je sais, j'ai remarqué aussi (même si j'ai jamais essayé les vernis GOSH). Merci, je suis contente que tu aimes mes photos, tu es super fine!

  20. Uh oh...most of the pictures are missing from this post due to Photobucket issues....but I love your dance video Gaby! You look great! I'd be huffing and puffing in the background if I was there LOL :P
    Ooo I love those Easter filled chocolate eggs. Caramel ones are so yummy!
    I love your graphic tees Gaby. And the blue colour of your boyfriend's t-shirt is so pretty! Like, it's great for unisex
