October 29, 2013

Project Pan Them All | August/September Empties

Hi ladies! Since I have been away in France in August and I really did not bring much with me, I was not really able to use up a lot of products, so I combined my August and September empties.

Yes, the mouthwatering cotton candy, sweet vanilla and bubblegum scent of LUSH Snow Fairy Shower Gel is simply intoxicating and I could not have asked for something better in this department, but the letdown is that, despite its fairly consistent texture, the shower gel requires tons of product to get an adequate leather, which is a real shame considering how overpriced this product is! Appart from the scent - which is not as strong in the shower as it is in the bottle - I can't justify the price of Snow Fairy and I won't be repurchasing it.

I was recommended Pro-Derm Hydrogel from the doctor I consulted when I had my monstruous allergic reaction after I went swimming in a supposedly radioactive lake (don't ask...). Made with a synergy of plant and marine ingredients to ensure exceptional efficiency, Hydrogel is claimed to rapidly soothe sensible skin. Its usage is recommended after aesthetics interventions or to regenerate the skin’s protective film after bathing, showering or shaving. I did not find it especially moisturizing and I was disappointed with how fast I used it ip, especially given its expensive price - around $60!

The first time I tried KORRES Yoghurt Instant Soothing Gel on my dry skin, I actually jumped in surprise because it made my skin sting so much! Fortunately, my skin calmed down after a few minutes, and when I applied the gel again the following morning, everything was OK this time - weird! While this gel does soothe and calm my dry and irritated skin, I did not notice any "light cooling effect" and while my skin did feel nourished and moisturized, it failed to completely relieve my very dry skin. 

Having never used an exfoliating moisturizer before, I did not know what to expect from Jergens Replenishing Vitamin E Gentle Exfoliating Moisturizer but I was not impressed - it is really light and watery and it did not even seem to moisturize my dry skin at all.

Burt's Bees Nourishing Lip Balm with Mango Butter is the lip balm I mostly relied on when I was in France, and it did not disappoint! I really prefer it over the original beeswax lipbalm, which seems to dry my lips even more. This mango butter version goes on much more smoothly and not waxy at all, and I could still feel it on my lips after quite some times, which means I did not feel the urge to constantly re-apply it.

I must say I am not a huge fan of peel off face masks for some reasons - maybe because none of them are really moisturizing on my dry skin? Montagne Jeunesse Prickly Pear Peel Off is no exception, but it did smell sooooo fruity and yummy!


  1. i love montagne jeunesse masks , but if you have dry skin the peel off and the one made with clay are not good for you .

  2. Hahaha! Toi tu finis Snow Fairy quand nous on le rachete!
    Moi je l'aime bien, et pour les fois que j'achete chez Lush, ca me dérange pas trop le prix, mais je prend la petite bouteille!

  3. Les produits Korrès et les baumes Burt's Bee me font vraiment envie ! Un jour peut-être ;)
