
December 22, 2011

Guest Post: The Best Indoor Tanning Lotion For Fair Skin

This post was written by Steve and Jess from Snizzap.com Tanning Lotion Reviews
(image: weheartit)

Lots of people enjoy tanning indoors and most believe you look and feel more attractive with a sun-kissed glow. What many tanners wonder, however, is which tanning bed lotion is the best choice if you have pale
or fair skin?

First, it is important to understand why you need to use a lotion at all. When you tan indoors (or anywhere for that matter) you are subjecting your skin to damaging Ultraviolet (UV) rays, and without preparing your body for this exposure you put yourself at a higher risk for dry, red, itchy skin or a variety of health conditions. Lotions manufactured for use in tanning beds contain special ingredients that harness the power of the UV light to enhance your color and help protect and nourish your skin to keep it moisturized and healthy.

Most of the top rated lotions sold in salons, however, contain added bronzer or tingle ingredients in their formulas that are best used by someone who already has somewhat of a base tan. If you are new to
tanning, or have very fair skin, intense bronzers can possibly cause your color to streak or be too orangey, or they may make you get too dark too fast which might seem unnatural. Lotions with added tinglers have been known to cause reddening or itching of the skin in some tanners, so those are best left to try after you have some color and understand how tanning is affecting your body.

(image: weheartit)

Any lotion that does not contain bronzer or tingle ingredients is a safe bet for newbies, but there are a variety of lotions marketed directly to this group. These products will have the phrases "Step 1", "Base Tan Builder" or "Accelerator" in their names, and they are generally the ones made for people who are just starting out in tanning beds and need to develop a base before moving up to the more advanced lotions.

Another very important thing to consider is how long you spend in the tanning bed your first few sessions, and at what level you're starting out at. Most salons will have lower and upper-tier beds to choose from. If your salon has options, the higher level beds tend to burn less and brown more than the lower level models. They'll probably be more expensive, but if you're serious about getting a natural glow you might want to spend the extra money. As far as how long your sessions should be, in the very beginning you should spend no more than about 5 minutes inside the bed. You should also not go tanning more often than once every few days, this will prevent you from turning red or burning. Once your body gets used to the routine you can slowly increase the length of your sessions, up to a maximum of about 12-15 minutes.

These tips will help you get a sexy dark glow while avoiding the common issues people encounter when tanning like dry, red or damaged skin.

(image: weheartit)

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1 comment:

  1. Ooo I love the turquoise nails and ring in the last image picture against her tanned skin!
    You're probably going to laugh at me Gaby but you know what? I'm scared of tanning beds because I feel like it's a coffin! I don't want to be enclosed in that thing! I don't think I'm claustrophobic but something about the shape of a tanning bed and how the lid needs to be closed kinda worries me....but my younger sister has tanned before like that and I think she likes it. I think she's the only one in our family that keeps up with self tanning...I gave up on self tanning a long time ago since my tan always fads unevenly making me look like I have a skin problem or it comes out orange anyways :S
