September 13, 2011

FOTD + OOTD: The scars of your love they leave me breathless, I can't help feeling we could of had it all

I realize I don't post FOTDs or OOTDs often on here and I don't really have a proper reason besides lazyness. I must admit I never thought my makeup looks or outfits could be of any interest as I mostly stick with basic and neutral looks - boring much? - but these types of posts seem to be very popular on the blogosphere.

Anyway, I had a job interview two weeks ago (I got the job, yey!) and for once, I was not in a rush and I had the time to take proper pictures!


Annabelle Blossom Blush - Peachy


Eyeko Big Eyes Mascara
MAC Frost Eye Shadow - Bronze (all over lid and outer corner)
Maybelline Unstoppable Eyeliner - Onyx (corner of upper and lower lashline)
Wet N Wild Coloricon Brow & Eye Liner - Taupe (brow)


Cardigan - Stitches | Camisole - Jean Bleu | Skinny jeans - Sirens | Nail polish - Borghese Nail Lacquer in Venetian Red

Lyrics are from Rolling in the Deep, from Adele


  1. Love your eye makeup, very beautiful and you look so pretty in this outfit <3

  2. You look effortlessly pretty! :)

    Good luck with your job!

  3. Nice natural eye look...makes your eyes pop. I think I have every mac e/s except bronze...need that one!

  4. Very pretty!

    Congrats and good luck on the job :)


  5. Yay! Congrats on getting the job! Lovely FOTD and OOTD! :]

  6. Congrats! I love your makeup and OOTD:)

  7. Yay, congratulations. Gorgeous look your so fresh faced and beautiful xoxo

  8. Congrats on the job! Love the natural look!

  9. I really LOVE your looks here! esp the fotd, so pretty :)

  10. Love your eyeshadow! It's super pretty

  11. Wow your lashes are so long :o wish I had your lashes~

  12. @ShaGlam: This is the only MAC eyeshadow I have and I'm quite plased with it (:

    Thank you for all the kind comments ladies!

  13. Its super pretty

  14. Looking hawt as always...what kind of job Gaby? Congratulations by the way!!

  15. @Amy: Are you kidding? I ahve the shortest lashes ever! Maybe it's just the pictures that make them appear longer because they are really not ):

    @Tracy D : A temporary part-time job in a Halloween store!

  16. you look so pretty!!! simple yet so chic and lovely!

  17. Thank you so much for the follow. i followed you back, and am not regretting it. i love how your hair is carefree!

  18. Hey, you look awesome, and congrats! Is that your natural hair colour? I went through a phase where I wanted your exact colouring: pale skin, blue eyes and black hair. Something about your breezy kind of style reminds me of KStew. :) (Hope that comes across as a compliment which it is!)

  19. Love the eye makeup! The colors look gorgeous and the carbon black looks really black,your eyes look a very pretty blue in this picture.
    The cardigan is really cute too =)
    i'm glad you got the job =D

  20. Yayyyy! Congratulations on landing the job Gaby! Have you started working yet?
    I love your makeup here - the MAC Bronze eyeshadow looks really pretty on you. I have that eyeshadow as well but I haven't used it much since I bought it.
    I agree that OOTDs and FOTDs are very popular on blogger. I think you should keep up with it if you have time to take pictures before heading out ;) I like seeing your posts like this!

  21. @Liz (Beauty Reductionista) : No it's not my natural hair color, I have natural blonde hair but I absolutely hate the shade so I dye it dark brown and I found it makes my blue eyes pop. I'm not a fan of my pale skin though! Yes I get that a lot about Kristen Stewart, how strange! But I definitely take it as a compliment, thanks (:

    @Karen Law : Hi Karen! Yes I've started working, the store is not open yet but we've had fun "building" it up. It was supposed to open on Wednesday but I don't know for sure because I only work on Friday and on the week ends. I can't wait, I've never been a SA before! I'm glad I won a MAC eyeshadow because I would have never purchased one myself, it's too pricey for the quality. Yes it's great, but Wet N Wild can easily top it off, seriously! I love Bronze all over my lid when I'm in a rush (: I'm glad you like such posts, I will definitely try to do more of these, they are actually pretty easy to write ahah!

  22. very natural and pretty! love the makeup! xo

  23. Lovely as always :)... Congrats on ur job! I've been jobless for 1.5 Months and is no good lol but I think I will stay jobless cuz it's my last year of school and it can't go wrong lol need to focus focus!!! :)..
