
August 26, 2011

Mail of the Week (August 22 - 26)

My prize from Priscilla's Facebook giveaway: The prize was a MAC lipstick of my choice and of course, I absolutely didn't know which one to choose so I decided to play it safe and go for Angel as it seems to be such a staple. From the swatches on the net, I really didn't know what to expect as it seemd to look different on everyone! I was afraid it would wash me out because I'm so pale the frost finish scared me a bit, but I absolutely love it! It actually reminds me a lot of Creme Cup, which I love. Priscilla also very kindly included Ulta Mineral Powder Eyeshadow in Jade in the package.

L - R: Angel and Jade

Thank you so much Priscilla! =D

My order from AVEYOU Beauty Boutique: I was given the opportunity to test and review some products from this boutique on my blog. I placed my order on August 16, it was shipped on August 17 and I received it on August 23 - pretty quick! But I was incredibly disappointed to have had to pay more than $40 in duties and taxes, which I never ever had to do before. Anyway, I guess it was worth it? Here's what I received:

  • TS-2 Conical Barrel Style Stick Clipless Curling Iron
  • Aquolina Pink Sugar Eau de Toilette Spray 1.7 oz 50ml
  • OPI Extra-va-vaganza! Nail Lacquer

August Luxe Box: You can read my thoughts on this box here and enter my giveaway for a chance to win your very own September Luxe Box!

September issue of Cosmopolitan

♥ Elle Me Dit - Mika


  1. Oooh, Dianna Agron - love her!

  2. Great post! :)

    Lucy x

  3. Angel is so pretty :) I was wearing it today! xxx

  4. Your mail post are the best.

  5. Awesome prize!
    Is that luxbox thing only for Canada or Usa as well? Have a great weekend XOXO

  6. Looks great!! I want to know what you think of the Curling iron! I've always wanted to try one like that but I don't know if it works with crazy straight hard to curl hair =\ can't wait for a review!

  7. @Sarah Ali / Glossicious @ ARES : I'm glad you like them! =D

    @ Priscilla : Of course I like it! I even LOVE it! Thank you sooooo much much much again Priscilla!!!

    @ BreezeyBeeL: Thanks hun!

    @Venus In Virgo : For now it's only available for Canadian residents, but they are working on it.

    @TaYgAn : Will be sure to review it by next week!

  8. Angel looks so pretty! I'm sure it looks great on you - it doesn't look too frosty at all. The jade shadow is really pretty too.

  9. Angel looks lovely! Also that OPI nail polish looks amazing! xx

  10. OMG, cool song! It's stuck in my head now, lol

  11. You are SO lucky with those giveaways Gaby..!

  12. When will you post again ? Been looking forward to this !

  13. @ Tracy D: I know right! Maybe I should stop entering giveaways? =P

    @Anonymous: I don't post on the weekends, next post will be on Monday

  14. Encore une fois, je suis beaucoup trop jalouse de c'que t'as eue par la poste, ahah! T'as bien fais de prendre Angel, pour vrai, c'est un must et il est très joli! Aimes-tu le Pink Sugar toi? Je l'ai trouvée au Winners en spécial il y environ 1an et je le DÉTESTE, ahah! :P Je n'aime pas du tout les odeurs sucrés comme ça pour les parfums. Pour les chandelles c'est correct mais pour vrai, il me donne mal à la tête! :P

  15. Thats a nice mac shade

  16. I love MAC's Angel lipstick!! It's one of my favs:) Great Mail of the Week post!!<3
