
May 04, 2011

I'm Never Going To The Hairdresser Again!

Did I get your attention with the title? Fear not, this post is not about any hair disaster (at least, I hope!), I just wanted to show you guys how my hair turned out after I cut it myself earlier this week. I got really inspired by this video from Rose Russo and this one from bebexo was also really helpful.

What do you think? Not bad for a first try, huh? Of course, it's far from perfect but I'm no hairdresser, and perfection is not what I was aiming for anyway. I like my layers randomly cut, not all straight and perfect.

I was aiming for lots of layers and volume, and I think I have achieved my objective. I might have to work on the back a little more though as the top layer seems really uneven, but other than that, I'm super happy with the results, and I don't think I will go to the hairdresser again before a loooooong time!

And the winner of my Nacho Mama Tees Giveaway is...

 Congrats! I'm emailing you right away!


  1. I really like it. My hair is really long now and I wanted random layers too. I am not sure if I am brave enough to try it tho.

  2. C'est vraiment bien réussi tes cheveux :)

    :( J'aurais aimer gagner :( Peut-être une prochaine fois :) J'ai hâte à ton prochain concours :)

  3. It looks super cute! I think you did a great job... I definitely should never try to attempt cutting my own hair. Too many previous disasters. I know better at this point ;)

  4. really nice
    i too sometimes cut my own hair
    with the ponytail method
    but last time i really screwed up my bangs so I might not do it again
    lol. might is the keyword.
    It came out really good though

  5. Wahhh, your hair looks great! Can't believe you cut it yourself. I'll have to check those videos out. The last time I went to the hairdresser and asked for layers starting below my chin but keeping the length, she was like, "I can't do that, your hair is too long." WHATever :) Thanks for sharing, and congrats to the winner!

  6. You did a great job! I MIGHT try to do mine myself too...MIGHT. lol

  7. Not bad at all! Well done...I love DIY cuts and styling. Go girl. X

  8. Good job! It looks like you paid to have it done. I need to get a haircut. I won't do it myself, though because I'm an idiot with scissors. ;x

  9. @Marshmallow @Jennifer Leigh @Miss Tapia @Katie : I always say you shouldn't be scared as it's just layers, you're not making an elaborated cut. And I believe that if you miss your shot, the layers will blend into each other so you can't really screw it up anyway (=

    @JosianneL1507 : Merci, j'étais vraiment tannée de mes cheveux et je déteste aller chez la coiffeuse, elles ne comprennent jamais rien (ou n'écoutent pas) et manquent tout le temps tout! Sans parler de l'économie d'argent =P Ah oui, des giveaways, j'en ai une coupe d'autres qui s'en viennent, donc un seulement pour les Canadiens (=

    @ana : I've never tried the ponytail method, I will definitely look on the net for that, thanks! Oh yes and bangs are always the hardest part I think, I'm always afraid to screw them up!

    @Susalie : Hmmm what? How can she not do that? You have long hair, that should make things easier, no? Aaaahhh how I hate hairdressers LOL

    @Mercedes- Ms Purple Make-up : Awww thanks! It was fun, and I will definitely do it again (=

  10. Ouais moi non plus je ne savais pas jusqu'à temps que je les vois à mon Tigre Géant! Elles sont 5,99$ je crois! :) Il y a en une aux Bleuets, elle sent vraiment bonne aussi! :)

    Dommage pour les Lip Smacker :( Moi je les adoreeeees!

  11. Salut Gaby!

    Ca fait du bien ta coupe! Moi aussi jen aurais besoin d'une, en tout cas pour mon toupet! J'avais vu le vidéo de Rose l'an passé, mais jai jamais osé! Bravo!

    J'ai aussi un giveaway Sigma sur mon blog, si tu veux participer :)

  12. Wow it looks very professional!

  13. sincerement ce n'ai pas mal mais de face tu as raté un peu ton coup sur le coté , par experience je te conseille de trouver un coiffeuse , j'ai déja fais la mëme chose la première fois c'était la deuxième fois j'avais plus d'assurance et là la cata depuis je prends rendez vous chez une coiffeuse je ne paye jamais plus de 25$ .

  14. I am just like you when it comes to hair. I like a asymmetric cut with lots of volume. I watched those two exact videos too and cut my hair myself :)

  15. Very nice results! x

  16. I found Rose's video several months back and I agree its been so helpful. Been trimming my hair using her method too :)

  17. I like it - I used to cut my hair myself through most of my twenties. After beauty school though I've been going back to where I studied mainly because the economy has hit our school and the students need a body to work on besides a mannequin. Not to mention I always want asymetry in my cuts which I personally as an esthethician rather than hair dresser would butcher!! :D

  18. I love it! That's just amazing! You did a great job!

  19. Love it! That is really good for on your own.. Maybe u could fix mine up a little ;) I cannot find a good stylist anywhere.make sure to take pictures if u do anything else to it!:)

  20. :OO you're so braveee ! cutting your own hair and it looks really nice :) i'm too scared to cut my own hairr >.< but i cut my own bangs sometimesss ^__^ hehe

  21. Wow that's a good job for a first try Gaby! :)
    Honestly it is SO DIFFICULT to find a good hair stylist. Someone who does colour well or cut well. I did find a great hair stylist but she was located near my parents house. When I moved out of my parents house the drive to see her was getting a bit of a commute and since I had highlights sometimes I just couldn't get back in time to see her so I had to go to salons downtown near me. That's when I realized how many hair dressers are terrible at colour and give lame cuts. It got to a point where I was frustrated paying $140-$200+ for not looking good coming out of a hair salon and I just coloured my hair back to it's natural colour to not deal with highlights anymore and started to even experiment with trimming my own hair. But you know, a good hair cut cannot be done at home if you ask me. That being said, it's not easy finding someone to cut your hair right....so in the meantime, I sometimes cut my own hair a bit :)

  22. In regards to your last comment on my blog I'm happy you got the Cetaphil Restoraderm and Aveeno Eczema Care cream :) Yay! I did a comparison on both and they both work super equally well for me. The thing I like about the Cetaphil is the pump dispenser so I can set it on my desk. And the Aveeno one which comes in a tube is great for portability (throw into handbag). I would say after about a month to a month and a half max of using the Aveeno and Cetaphil creams I had stopped using my elecom cortisone steroid prescription cream. And in that first month I probably only used the elecom maybe 5-6 times in total? I had probably 2-3 episodes where I still had those bumps with liquid inside like you described and that was the only time I used my elecom cream overnight. Other than that, as soon as that subsided, I used only Aveeno/Cetaphil. I really hope it works for you Gaby. Seriously, I don't even have eczema anymore. It's like 98% gone. I don't itch even....my skin is soft too and Dale kept saying a week ago that my hands were so soft - softer than normal so it must be due to the Aveeno/Cetaphil I'm using on my hands. But I wanted to point out that you need to be diligent with the soaps you use to wash your hands. The skin on my hands get irritated very easily from soaps and I noticed this during the 8-9 months it took for my eczema to completely heal. Even Olay soap that claims to be moisturizing would irritate my skin. The only soap bar I can use is Dove soap. The only liquid soaps I can use on my hands without irritation are the Fruits and Passion Cucina Olive and Coriander line as well as the Aveeno Eczema Care Body Wash. I stick to those three soaps as much as possible when washing my hands at home. And if I have a long stay away from home I carry my own hand soap because hotel soaps are the worst when it comes to aggravating eczema. Plus, I always use kitchen dish washing gloves now to wash dishes...I would say these are the most important things I had to keep in mind constantly to finally get rid of my eczema. I really hope you're able to get rid of it like me since I know exactly what you're going through!

  23. Hey.. I think the new hair makes you look younger! Can you come over and cut my hair too? xD

  24. i think you did good. They have a bunch of youtube vids on how to cut your own hair. I plan on cutting mine myself next time. $40 for a trim is just a little ridiculous to me, especially when I have to wait an hr cause my stylists sucks at scheduling her appt's right lol.

  25. I'm way to scared to cut my own hair, lol :)

  26. @JosianneL1507: Ah oui j'ai vu des chandelles qui sentent au Tigre Géant! Va falloir que je retourne voir, merci (=

    @Ms Bubu : Merci! J'adore son vidéo (et pas mal tous ses vidéos en fait ahah), vraiment très utile et facile à suivre!

    @Vintage Makeup: Seriously? Wow, thanks!!

    @beauty combat : Oh ce n'est pas que c'est très cher c'est juste que aucune coiffeuse ne me donne jamais le look exact que je veux, c'est pourquoi j'ai décidé de m'y mettre seule! Et tu trouves vraiment que c'est si pire? )=

    @Get Gawjus! : Yeah! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who does that. It's really easy and I'm super happy to have achieved volume =D

    @StealMyHeartLove : Thanks hun!

    @Crystal : It's really easy, I'm glad I found her video!

    @The "E" Girl : I personally think asymetry always look best, and it's so easy to achieve by yourself!

    @Tracy@Beauty Reflections: Awww thanks, I'm glad you like it!

    @TEA aka MonsterGirl: Oh I'm not sure I'm ready to cut someone else's hair LOL!

    @Sandy ♥: Honestly, I wasn't scared at all as I told myself it was just layers, it's not like I was making an elaborated cut. And I love the way it turned out! I also cut my own bangs, although I think it's much harder to get the exact right look I want.

    @Karen Law : That's exactly why I decided to start to cutr my own hair. If I want a different cut or something more elaborated then yes, obviously I will go to the hairdresser but for now I'm happy on my own. Thanks for your comment on eczema, it has been so helpful! I will continue using the cortisone cream a little more to calm down the flare ups and then I will use the Cetaphil and Aveeno creams.

    @Isabel : Really? Maybe a little LOL! Oh but I don't think I'm ready to cut someone else's hair yet hehe!

    @MaviDeniz : I used to pay around 20 for a cut but it's not because of the price I decided to cut my own hair, it's because the hairdresser never gives me the exact cut I want, and she always removes too much hair! And like yours, I always had to wait at the salon because the appointments were always messed up. Frustrating!

    @Beauty By Rosh x : Oooh you shouldn't be! If you only want to trim your ends or if you want layers, I'd say go! But it's another story if you wantr a more elaborated or drastic cut, of course.

  27. You did a great job with your hair. I am WAY too much of a chicken to cut my own hair even though I've been tempted to trim my bangs a few times. I like the shape you gave yourself.

  28. Looks really good! I cut my own hair once when I was younger and it came out so DUMB so I'm apprehensive to do it again lol xx

  29. Wow - that looks great!! Well done you!!

  30. Ehm that looks really good! I would randomly chop off my hair and it would look awful lol x
