December 02, 2013

Guest Post | 5 Ways to Style your Hair using Headbands

Victoria H is known for her role as a senior Fashion Buyer. She has worked for some of the well known brands of the UK including Cool Blades where you can find professional quality and affordable scissors for salon owners, hair clips and several other hairdressing products specifically for salon use.
(image: weheartit)

Most girls would simply underestimate the power of a headband. Surely, it can give a stodgy look if you wear it the same way every single day, but that is simply because you do happen to wear it the same way each day. What you need is to go about making a few tweaks to your everyday looks and you would fail to believe your own eyes when the very same headband will take your look notches higher every single day. Whether you decide to chop your tresses with scissors for salon owners or keep it long and shiny, these looks devised from a single headband will look every bit classy and sleek. Given below are a few of the many headband hairstyles that you can wear and expect to have heads turning your way.

The Boho Chic look:
The usual rule of thumb is to wear your headband on your head. However, for this look, you wear it around your forehead slightly towards the hairline. It not only adds oodles of style to your look but also helps keep hair out of your face and keeps them in place. Soft curls go best with look. Having bangs can add an immense amount of character the look. However, make sure to keep the bangs out of the headband. Besides, a middle parting works best for this look. 
The pulled back look:
The pulled back look gives a sleek finish to your overall appearance and makes you like quite lady like. To perfect this look, you need to lay an immense amount of emphasis on the volume of the hair. The best way to do this is by tightly pulling your headband towards the back of your head and then adding the desired volume to the crown section. Teasing the hair and spraying some holding hair spray will help add substance to your look. 

 (image: weheartit)
Turban headband:
This headband is soon becoming the talk of the town with girls and women opting for this to give a trendier feel to their overall appearance. The broad look of this headband is perfect to conceal your hair if it has not been washed for a few days. The grimy look can be kept at bay and securing the remaining hair into a messy bun will help take it to the next level. 
You can transform this turban headband into a boho hippy look by simply wearing it in the same boho chic way described earlier. It goes perfectly well with a funky look and works well with both dresses and shirts. 
Simple straight hair:
Once in a while it is good to revisit your girl next door look by wearing a headband on sleek straight hair. To avoid your face from looking too huge, you can use scissors for salon owners and cut a few sleek bangs and let them fall softly on your forehead. This will help soften the look and add more glow. 
The Headband Tuck:
This can be considered as one of the most popular hairstyles among girls and women who want a more polished look during the day. All it needs is for you to gather and tuck your hair into the headband at the back. It gives a sombre look and is actually an excellent way to get beautiful curls that require absolutely no heat. Therefore, you can achieve an exceptional night and day look by simply wearing the headband tuck look during the day and letting your hair fall loose in soft curls by night.

Wearing headbands will never be the same again.

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1 comment:

  1. Creative ideas! I am never personally a fan of headbands but when done the right way, they can really make your hairstyle look chic :)
