October 12, 2013

Guest Post | Day Spa Detoxification: Why Sea Salt is So Good for Your Skin

This post has been written by William Dawson, who is a former spa manager. He now spends his time horseback riding and blogging online. 
(image: weheartit)

Sea salt is a celebrated cooking ingredient, but it’s also an ancient health and beauty element that has been used from antiquity to the present.  Ancient Greeks as well as celebrated queens like Cleopatra favored natural health and beauty remedies from the Dead Sea such as sea salt.  Today, sea salt is used in scrubs and other beauty treatments in renowned spas around the world.  You can incorporate this natural agent in your own beauty regimen to reap its incomparable benefits.

The Exfoliating Power of Sea Salt

As a natural exfoliating agent, sea salt is used as a primary ingredient in a myriad of spa treatments designed to enhance the look and feel of the skin.  When you check into a Perth day spa, for instance, you’ll discover how sea salt has proven its value in their many treatments.  For instance, sea salt is used to gently but effectively slough off dead skin cells.  It is a powerful exfoliating agent that leaves the skin free of dry patches so it once again feels soft and glowing with rejuvenation. 

Antiseptic Power

Sea salt is a unique protection agent that will benefit the health and beauty of the skin with detoxifying power.  Sea salt provides demonstrable resistance to parasites and bacteria and even viruses that can impact the skin.  Anyone suffering from fungal skin infections can discover a reduction in symptoms by initiating a sea salt regimen.  By using a paste of sea salt, a person can experience the antiseptic properties of sea salt as it gently and thoroughly cleans the skin.

Additionally, skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis can also be improved by sea salt treatment.  While sea salt therapies are regarded as safe and effective, patients suffering from these and other skin conditions should consult their healthcare providers before embarking on any natural treatments.

More Benefits of Sea Salt

As a health and beauty treatment, sea salt and its benefits have been known for centuries.  Yet its benefits extend even further than those already described.  Sea salt can help the body restore its pH balance.  By diminishing the presence of lactic acid, the sea salt reduces the possibility of muscle aches that are associated with an unbalanced pH.  

Sea salt is also regarded to have the ability to reduce a person’s stress levels.  Bathing in seawater, for instance, as a therapeutic means to reduce stress has been done since the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans.  Stress, of course, is linked to many health conditions and warding it away naturally has become important to many people seeking spa treatments.

Exploring the Benefits of Sea Salt

While sea salt health and beauty products can be purchased online, many spas offer high-end treatments exacted by knowledgeable professionals who can help demonstrate how exfoliating products, scrubs, and creams can be used.  Sea salt is a staple treatment for spas around the world, which isn’t surprising considering its extensive use over the past several centuries as a vital health and beauty agent.

Interested in being a guest blogger? Please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post Gaby - thanks to your guest blogger about my favourite subject xoxo
